
Hi, I’m Myrto! 

I like learning and searching for new ideas.

I recently pursued my bachelor degree on Computer Science at University of Athens
and I am currently working as a Software Engineer. I mainly focus on the fields of
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I want to constantly broaden my knowledge
with ultimate goal the personal and collective development. I also love travelling and
meeting new people of different cultures, with new, fresh ideas.

My Bio 

Work Experience

ML Engineer
TWI Hellas
April 2022 - Today

ML Intern
TWI Hellas
September 2021 - March 2022


Bachelor Degree
Computer Science

University of Athens

Currently, I am a Software Engineer and I mainly focus on the field of Artificial Intelligence and especially on Machine Learning. I'm really interested on the research area. I believe this is the best way to be helpful to society and help science take one step further.

I like constantly learning new things, and not only for my professional carrier, but for my personal pleasant. I read many books, with mostly psychological or scientific content, I enjoy movies and theater. I want to be creative in any aspect of my life.

I grew up in Greece, but although I love being here, I want to travel as much as I can. Through travelling I can meet different cultures, people speaking other languages, with different customs and daily habits. Being in touch with all these can make you change the way you used to look at the world, appreciate things you have and help you think about what you really want in life.

My Projects 

Bachelor Thesis | Python

Implementation of two RoBERTa-based models, trained on Greek language data. Comparison of their performance with the existing model GREEK-BERT in the tasks of Part-of-Speech Tagging and Named Entity Recognition.

Entity Resolution
SIGMOD 2020 | C

This task was a variation of last year's contest project. Shortly, we implemented a system, that identifies which product specifications from multiple e-commerce websites represent the same real-world product.

Greek Ministry of Labor Website
Web Development | HTML, CSS, PHP, mySQL

Redesign of the website of the Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs focusing on UX/UI. This task was part of Human-Computer Interaction course.

NLP tasks
Artificial Intelligence | Python

Document Retrieval System

This project is about developing a document retrieval system to return titles of scientific papers containing the answer to a given user question.

Q&A BERT model

Fine-tuning BERT model with SQuAD 2.0 dataset for a question answering task.

Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Artificial Intelligence | Python

Using Recurrent NNs

Different kinds of sentiment classifiers are developed using bidirectional stacked RNN with LSTM/GRU cells.

Using Feed-forward NNs

This project includes 4 models of sentiment classifiers using feed-forward neural networs and comparison of them.

Web App | Angular, Springboot

Web application similar to LinkedIn implemented with Angular and SpringBoot.